Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Big Sister Emma

On the way home from town tonight, Emma told me that today she made a note for her teacher.
Nothing too out of the ordinary for a 2nd grader, right?
Tonight she told me what the note said...

Someday I'm going to be a neurologist or a rett syndrome doctor
My little sister, Ellie is 5. She has rett syndrome. Most 5 year old girls with rett syndrome can't walk or use their hands. They have to be in wheel chairs. My sister CAN walk but she can't talk. 

....Emma told me that she hasn't talked about Ellie at school this year. She said it was easier for her to write this note to her teacher than to explain about Ellie. Tonight when I went to tuck Emma into bed, she was reading her gigantic "Human Body" book; looking at a two page spread on cells. She told me it's her favorite part of the book. It made me smile. I told her that there are special doctors that do research on cells just like that all day long. Her eyes lit up as she said, "REALLY?!" I looked at her and envisioned, an all grown up, Emma in a white lab coat standing over a microscope and I thought, "Someday you'll be working to cure the diseases of this world... but I really hope Rett is long gone by then."