I've heard this term thrown around lately, a couple of moms have called me "super mom." I usually laugh and say something like "yeah right." Honestly though, I feel the need to set the record straight.
What I want to say to the woman who just called me "super mom" is this...
You weren't here tonight when she refused her supper, shoving it across the table to me screaming only seconds after I set it in front of her. You didn't see me sigh REALLY big because it's the end of a very long day that started at 5:30am. I really would like to just coast from now until bedtime. If you were here, you would have seen tired in my eyes and in my spirit. I'm pretty sure "super mom" doesn't get weary.
You probably wouldn't approve of the yelling I did to FINALLY get my girls into bed either. Hmmm. Or that while I was giving the baby a bath in the big tub she toppled over and I was just a second to slow in my catch. I snuggled my naked, wet, little peanut though, and kissed her bumped little head (that might be the most "super mom" thing I did today.)
Unfortunately, my 'super mom' moment ended when I found miss "I don't want my supper" eating a bag of puppy chow...on the couch...covering herself and said couch...with puppy chow. As I drug her to the sink for a complete scrubbing, I lectured her on where we eat and what she is allowed to eat. I'm sure 'super mom' would have a better way of convincing than the scolding I did.
I caught myself wallowing in self-pity for a bit there in the puppy-chow moment. It started simple about cleaning up chocolate and powdered sugar from the furniture and little hands and face. It got complex quickly, thinking about five years from now...probably still cleaning puppy chow from bigger hands and face. Thinking about how to curb the pinching, kicking and scratching before then.
I'm betting 'super mom' never stresses or feels sorry for herself.
About the time everyone started to settle the oldest asked me if I wanted a hug. It caught me off guard because I thought she was about to ask for one my thing to extend bedtime and I almost said no, before quickly saying YES! What a great thing to ask your mom! Then, while I took one potty, I listened to another one singing to herself in her bed. What a sweet heart she has, I thought to myself as she sang a song about Jesus that she's heard on klove.com. I sat down to nurse and snuggle the baby and listened as she sang for about twenty minutes until she drifted off to sleep. I thought about this girl and how God has really used our totally out of the ordinary life to shape these precious girls. I'm setting her thinking how each one is being prepared for a special purpose and calling that God has set before them.
You know what I think, it's those last moments before bed. It's the hugs and snuggles and stories and listening that make a woman 'super mom'. Those are never the moments when I hear this. It's the busy, here and there, doing WAY TOO much moments that I hear the words 'super mom' and I think that's just totally backwards! So just so ya know...I was 'super mom' today but it definitely wasn't in the moment that you saw me in!