I'm often amazed at how a length of time can pass and it seems like an eternity ago and yesterday all at the same time. One year ago today, I had surgery for thyroid cancer. I had no idea then what the future would hold. I was terrified of surgery itself and perhaps even more so of cancer. I saw so much goodness in the world through people caring for me. I had friends who brought food, came and cleaned, folded our laundry, kept me company while I had to just sit! I even had a friend who came and helped me squeeze down and drain my tube -- now that's a real friend!
A year later, I feel like I'm mostly recovered. Though I thought it was almost impossible then, I feel like I've regained my strength. Nicholas and I were just reflecting on my time in the hospital having to have help to sit up. How I got stars on my white-board for walking 10feet down the hall...two stars if I sat down at 10feet and then was able to walk back to my room! Laugh! Amazing how God created our bodies to heal themselves and recover. In the past year we've rehabbed two houses, sold one and rented one. I hung (with a little help) over 90 sheets of sheetrock. We've made some big changes, including Nicholas quitting his day job to work full-time with me on rentals. We've made an intentional step towards taking nights and weekends off and enjoying life because you just never know what's ahead. We're making plans for 2017, which include more projects balanced out with more fun and rest.
It's Christmas time now and as we're preparing for this season, I'm grateful. I'm grateful to be here, enjoying our girls, this life that we've been given. Grateful for God's provision and resting in the fact that he knows every single day we will live before we were even born. I find solace and peace in that truth. Have a very Merry Christmas.