Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Overcoming...Take that Rett!

I'm listening now to Mandisa's song "Overcomer" and it spurred me to come blog. An update is definitely long overdue. I find that we're already almost to November, fall really is beautiful in this part of the country. In spite of that sinking feeling that the snow and winds will soon be swirling outside, we have joy in the season we are in.

Ellie had a summer of change, of growing up, of putting things behind us, in the most joyous way possible. Not to say that change doesn't come hard, actually, really, really hard. We decided to learn how to use the toilet this summer. No small task for a girl who's body isn't 100% obedient to her commands. No small task for a daughter, equally as stubborn as her mother. Probably the most trying times we've had in our 7 years together, were had this summer. I can smile and laugh about it now, because we won and that made it all worth it.

Ellie has learned to use the toilet all the time, which is nothing short of a miracle. A blessing straight from God, really. We are overcomers! Whooo hooo! (Yes, I say that with a fisted arm-pump!)

Ellie also learned to ride her adapted tricycle, independantly. She rode 2 miles one night and followed that up by being the STAR of the 4th of July parade on her bike. I am so proud of the way she's overcome her body. So proud of the way that she's kicked Rett in the teeth and learned to do what she "shouldn't" be able to do. She's now showing her little sister what kindergarten is all about. Eva's flourishing in kindergarten, especially with such an experienced and competent guide. We requested that Ellie stay in kindergarten this year to work on her number sense and give her a little more time to develop her math skills before putting her into first grade. This means that Ellie (who's 7 now) and Eva (who is now 5) are both in kindergarten. It's been a great choice. We feel so so blessed by the women God has placed in this environment for both our girls. Emma is enjoying the freedom. flexibility, and one on one time of being home-schooled for 4th grade.

The girls are all having a great time announcing to anyone who will listen that they're soon going to have a baby in their house! We're due March 17 with baby number 4. :) They got to watch our little one on the ultrasound and take home little keepsake pictures. Ellie keeps reminding me of saying "mama mama" and pointing to my (growing) belly and then pointing to her feet. One of the pictures from the ultrasound clearly shows our little one's feet and toes as if pressed up against the screen. It's had an impression on her. I'm praying she's at doting once baby arrives, as she is now!! She's not known for her gentleness.

So much change in such a short time. All blessings and all things to be thankful and joyous about! I pray your fall is equally "full."


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