Tuesday, June 9, 2015

So big!

When I read all the Rett data initially, I didn't expect Ellie to get big. I expected her to stay small and dainty and frail. Well, she's not! She's all of 70lbs right now and I think the girl has grown a foot this school year! She's filled out so much that I've cut the whole milk out of her yogurt and started replacing it with 2% milk.

I'm so so very thankful for a few key pieces of equipment...first her carseat! We got the Tomato seat this past fall so we've had it about 6 months now. It's amazing. She fits in it and it supports her body for her when she falls asleep in the van. No more issues with breathing or vomiting when she falls asleep! It is still an incredibly overpriced and HEAVY piece of equipment that took INCREDIBLY too long to get...but I'm very VERY thankful for it.

Secondly, last week our grocery store got a new shopping cart! *We did pester them quite a little bit* It's a pretty sweet ride for Ellie! I've been struggling for about a year now to get her into and out of the little kid seat in shopping carts. It's not such a big deal most places because, well, I really don't shop anywhere but Fareway. Food is the only thing I can't really buy online...or don't want to buy online! We asked for the Caroline's Cart but the store opted for a more versatile cart that allows the rider to face forward. Makes a lot of sense from their end. It looks pretty much like the carts you can drive, except that it's a push version. I used it for the second time today and it is so nice! If I owned that puppy...I'd have to make some modifications (like adding an infant seat on behind the chair) but really it's amazing the difference a comfortable ride can make. Ellie was all smiles today in the grocery store, which is rare...so very rare. Thank you Bryan!

We're working on some independence this summer. Ellie has some chores and she's earning tickets for them. Tickets can be spent. Ellie uses her tickets to buy computer time (youtube videos of cattle...yep really.) I explained the ticket-system to her on Thursday. I stood in total shock when she went right to putting ALL the books from the living room and her bedroom onto the bookshelf. I gave her minimal prompts and she was so excited when she finished and got her ticket. She ran to her little jar, twisted off the lid and popped her ticket inside it, bouncing off to take the laundry to the hamper. I said, "Emma, you've got to see this." so many times that she said "yeah mom...wow...ellie's doing a chore for once." in her most enthusiastic voice. Emma wasn't nearly as amazed as I was...but why should she be surprised, even she will do chores for tickets! Ha!

Summer usually means lots of behaviors for Ellie. The unstructured time, the sisters in her bubble, extra noise, heat, etc. all build up for her. We've had lots of hits, pinches and scratches and it's in those times that I have to remind myself how grateful I am that she has the ability to use those hands! (I think Eva is the one that wishes Ellie couldn't use her hands. She's the one that suffers on this point. Thankfully God has shaped her into a forgiving and grace-filled child.) On the other hand, I wish we had a behavioral therapist in the area!! Guess we're going to have to start a behavior chart?! She's loving having time with her animals and it's where she'd stay the entire day if I didn't force her to come eat, drink, read, etc. I'm so thankful for the words and writings of Temple Grandin. I feel like Ellie has the same kind of connection to animals that Temple does and it's so nice to be able to hear what Temple has to say, it gives me a little insight into what Ellie may feel/think.

Yesterday Ellie was using her "talker" after dinner and suddenly said "love" and then pointed to herself and said verbally "me Ellie" and then "momma." It was the first time that she's ever spontaneously talked about the love between us. Take nothing for granted. It melted my heart.

Ellie's loving being a big sister to Esther. She loves tattling on her, when she's climbing chairs or she's pooped. Ellie comes hauling her to me in this 'held away because she may be stinky' kind of way that cracks me up every time! We wondered how Esther would do with Ellie, how they'd figure each other out, but they have. Esther signs nearly everything that Ellie signs and in the same modified signs that Ellie uses, which proves she's watching Ellie more than she's watching me! I sign the "correct" sign to Ellie and she always signs her modified signs to us. She understands the signs but she's just changed them to make them easier. It's so sweet watching Esther learn words from all her sisters, including Ellie! Oooh and Esther "mooos" which makes Ellie so very happy. When I was pregnant with Esther, Ellie kept hoping I was going to deliver a calf. Maybe she's not so disappointed in Esther now! ;)

Ellie turns 9 in 11 days! I can't believe she's already turning 9. We're having a sleepover/camping party with family and friends. We're all looking forward to it, especially Ellie. She loves introducing people to all of her animal friends! It's going to be a fun weekend celebrating everything that Ellie loves!

Thanks for reading our update!

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